Allowing pharmacists to dispense nicotine vapes without a prescription would ensure people who are using them to quit smoking could access them legally, while preventing inappropriate sales to youth.
Teens who quit vaping or drastically cut back are likely to experience withdrawal symptoms. Here’s how to support young adults through withdrawal and quitting.
In low-income countries, tobacco use is often associated with lower income and less education. These users can’t afford to pay for counselling and medication.
The proposed standard would lower the nicotine content in cigarettes and cigars by 95% – a public health proposal that could prevent millions from becoming smokers in the first place.
Modelling studies estimate the smokefree generation policy could halve smoking prevalence within 14 years among people aged 45 and younger and achieve a more than a five-fold health gain for Māori.
From 2021, it will be harder to import e-cigarettes. That protects young people, in particular, who are increasingly being lured into nicotine and tobacco addiction.
Weihong Lin, University of Maryland, Baltimore County and Rakaia Kenney, University of Maryland, Baltimore County
The FDA has banned flavored e-cigarettes that appeal to kids. But new research shows that the danger of flavors could go beyond their appeal to kids. The flavorings themselves could cause damage.
Concerns about e-cigarettes are growing, with the AMA calling for a ban. With the Great American Smokeout on Nov. 21, it’s worth asking: What do smokers think?
Leah Ranney, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
It’s not just that e-cigarettes have fruity, fun-evoking flavors added to them. There’s danger in the mere fact that the flavors lead kids to dismiss risk.
Vaping is under heavy scrutiny in the wake of six deaths and hundreds of illnesses. A product engineer who studies how people puff explains why the way users vape could be a clue.