The scars many whales bear throughout their lives resulting from shark attacks are more than sufficient evidence sharks will have a go if an opportunity arises.
After 150 years of selective breeding in captivity, the domestic budgie would now be almost unrecognisable to its wild cousin. So who would win in the unlikely event of a fight?
It’s a clash that might rival Crocodile Dundee in New York City. While both iconic birds of prey are similarly sized, one is bolder and more ferocious.
Venom, size, and speed: these are the factors that determine which ambush predator will emerge victorious. So let’s look at the strengths of each arachnid.
These hefty dinosaur birds stand as tall as humans, enough to dissuade most from getting too close. But how would they fare against each other in a fight? A wildlife expert places her bet.
In the red corner is the octopus with eight muscular, hyper-flexible arms. In the blue corner is the bird with killer vision and two sharp claws for catching prey with incredible speed and precision.
The strange appearance of three humpback whales in a Kakadu river threw up many questions – including whether they’d come out on top in a fight with a crocodile.
In the blue corner is the extremely venomous Black Mamba – top snake of Africa – and in the red corner is the muscular Inland Taipan – Australia’s alpha snake.