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Todos os artigos de Brand activism

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Brand activism is moving up the supply chain — corporate accountability or commercial censorship?

B2B brands taking a public moral or ethical stand are increasingly looking at their suppliers and manufacturers to reflect their own values, but where do they draw the line?
Sacramento Kings players kneel in support of the Black Lives Matter movement before an NBA basketball game, August 6, 2020. GettyImages

Athlete activism or corporate woke washing? Getting it right in the age of Black Lives Matter is a tough game

Brands taking a stand on social issues is no longer remarkable — but that only makes it harder to be authentic.
Gillette backed up its campaign by US$3 million in charitable donations, but the brand has been criticised for appropriating the #MeToo movement. Proctor & Gamble

Post Gillette: other brands are better at matching practice with talk, but don’t get the publicity

Gillette recently made headlines with their controversial campaign against toxic masculinity, but other brands appear to be better at taking action.
A Nike ad campaign billboard features NFL quarterback Colin Kaepernick. EPA/Alba Vigaray

Woke washing: what happens when marketing communications don’t match corporate practice

Research shows that the new trend of activism marketing hinges on whether or not the brand engages in practices that match its message.

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