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Todos os artigos de Public engagement

Exibindo 21 - 40 de 46 artigos

One of the authors speaking at the 2017 March for Science. Emily Darling

Stand up for science: More researchers now see engagement as a crucial part of their job

Four scientists talk through the ways they now build outreach into their work as a way to spread their research’s impact – something that wasn’t the norm for past generations of academics.
Protesters carry signs during a march for science Saturday, April 22, 2017, in Denver. AP Photo/David Zalubowski

Want to change federal policies? Here’s how

One of the best ways to shape public policy is for experts to submit detailed, technical information through the public comment process.
Planning a communication strategy isn’t unethical. Have a nice day Photo/

Science communicators must consider short-term objectives while keeping their eyes on the prize

Scientists who engage with the public may have goals about influencing policy or behavior. But they also need to think about the short-term objectives that will help get them there.
The Conversation US team in Boston. TCUS

The Conversation US turns two

TCUS launched on October 21, 2014 with six editors. Today we are 12 editors and growing.
Scientists themselves may be the key to finding the right balance. Scales image via

Accurate science or accessible science in the media – why not both?

The public loses when their only choices are inaccessible, impenetrable journal articles or overhyped click-bait about science. Scientists themselves need to step up and help bridge the divide.
Too many academic careers are shaped around writing journal articles nobody reads and planning twice-weekly lectures to a diminishing class of students. flickr/Sixth Lie

Shift away from ‘publish or perish’ puts the public back into publication

Prime Minister Turnbull has signalled a desire to move away from a ‘publish or perish’ academic culture toward one that prioritises public impact and engagement. It’s a challenge scholars should embrace.
UCSF neuroscience grad student Sama Ahmed, whose three-minute talk on ‘how to know your species’ won first place at the campuswide contest, will compete for the Grad Slam championship in Oakland May 4. Susan Merrell/UCSF

Why more scientists are needed in the public square

The president of one of the country’s leading research university systems argues that the academic community has to make sure researchers and scientists engage with the general public.

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