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Artículos sobre Chinese Muslims

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Islamic landmark in China: the Dongguan mosque in Xining, the capital of Qinghai province, western China. David Stroup

China: removing ‘Arab-style’ features from country’s biggest mosques the latest move in campaign of Muslim assimilation

The removal of distinctive ‘Arabian-style’ features at the entrance to one of China’s biggest mosques is the latest move in a campaign of forcible assimilation of China’s Muslim minorities.
Chinese paramilitary police stand duty in People’s Square where hundreds of Uighers first started a protest that erupted into rioting in July 2009. Five years later, China started imprisoning Uighers in “re-education hospitals.” (AP Photo/Ng Han Guan)

The ominous metaphors of China’s Uighur concentration camps

The metaphors used to defend the 21st century’s largest system of concentration camps are chillingly similar to Nazi Holocaust-era justifications.

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