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Artículos sobre Deepwater Horizon

Mostrando 21 - 25 de 25 artículos

The effects of Deepwater Horizon spill continue after the smoke has cleared. US Coast Guard

The coast is clear, but seabed still contaminated by Gulf spill

The catastrophic explosion on the Deepwater Horizon drilling platform allowed five million barrels of oil to gush into the Gulf of Mexico between April and July 2010. Since then, remediation and restoration…
The offshore industry need not be so dangerous if safety is put first. PA

The oil industry has yet to learn lessons of Piper Alpha

The explosions and fire that completely destroyed the North Sea oil rig Piper Alpha and cost 167 workers their lives remains the world’s worst offshore oil disaster. Saturday, July 6, marks 25 years since…

Oil spill detrimental to Gulf species

The effects of the Deepwater Horizon accident may have long-term consequences for regional animals. Researchers have discovered…

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