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Artículos sobre Euthanasia

Mostrando 101 - 106 de 106 artículos

Our health system is geared towards saving lives – even when the person being revived might not want to live. Julie Kertesz

How the care conveyor belt tortures people back to life

ABC’s Four Corners tonight is about a young man who has decided to end his life after 36 years of suffering a debilitating illness. But because euthanasia is illegal in Australia, he has to apply to another…
Tasmanian Premier Lara Giddings has proposed a framework for ‘voluntary assisted dying’ with Tasmanian Greens Leader Nick McKim. AAP/Alan Porritt

Tasmania could lead the way for voluntary euthanasia laws

Tasmanian Premier Lara Giddings and Leader of the Tasmanian Greens Nick McKim have released a discussion paper that outlines and seeks comment on a proposed framework for “voluntary assisted dying”. The…
We need a debate that considers the empirical evidence about voluntary euthanasia and assisted suicide. Anne/Flickr

Starting the debate on voluntary euthanasia and assisted suicide

Voluntary euthanasia and assisted suicide are never far from the public spotlight. But we still haven’t had an honest and open debate about this issue in Australia. End-of-life matters crop up from time…
For some, “fighting to the end” provides purpose but it can seem painfully pointless to others. Ed Cave

A challenge to our leaders – why don’t we legalise euthanasia?

TALKING ABOUT DEATH AND DYING - We can choose so many of our life experiences, but it seems we can have no say in whether we die in pain or at peace. Today we consider why we don’t have a policy on physician-assisted…
Amendments to the bill require doctors to get a second opinion. Rosie O'Beirne

Finding the balance in South Australia’s euthanasia legislation

South Australian MPs will tomorrow debate a bill which could see euthanasia legalised in the state, paving the way for other jurisdictions to follow. The bill has been criticised by the South Australian…

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