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Artículos sobre Islamist terrorism

Mostrando 81 - 96 de 96 artículos

Nineteen people were killed and up to 40 wounded in the three-hour siege. EPA/Mohamed Messara

Tunisia terror attack tests fledgling democracy

Four rocky years after the Arab Spring, Tunisia is on the road to real stability. The stakes could scarcely be higher.
Nasr al-Ansi, AQAP Commander, claims the Paris attacks. EPA/Al-Malahem Media

Al-Qaeda’s Yemen branch adds Paris attacks to list of successes

Al-Qaeda’s most active and notorious branch – the Yemen-based al-Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula (AQAP) – has claimed responsibility for the attack on Charlie Hebdo in Paris. While some questions remain…
Laughter and violence have two things in common: they’re both non-verbal and they both occur when words fail. Cloud Mine Amsterdam/Shutterstock

What Charlie Hebdo says about laughter, violence and free speech

It should come as no surprise that comedians would feel threatened by the attack on Charlie Hebdo: the freedom to offend is the source of their livelihood, and many who have offended have been threatened…
A man holds a placard reading “I am Charlie” to pay tribute to the victims following a shooting by gunmen at the offices of weekly newspaper Charlie Hebdo in Paris. Reuters

Prisons, Muslim memory and the making of a terrorist

The media spotlight on Cherif Kouachi’s life rekindles questions about prisons and radicalization. As an alleged participant of the Charlie Hebdo attacks, Kouachi has seemingly led many lives. In one incarnation…
Supporters of French satirical magazine Charlie Hebdo have gathered following the fatal attack. Photo:

Charlie Hebdo offends – and we must defend its right to do so

The motive behind the tragic shootings at the headquarters of satirical weekly magazine Charlie Hebdo in Paris has not yet been confirmed but it seems clear that there is a link between the publication’s…
It’s impossible to escape news of the Sydney siege, and children are curious. So how much, and what, should you tell them? AAP

What to tell your children about horrific events like Sydney siege

Sometimes, despite our best efforts, shielding our children against the coverage of potentially terrifying events can become very difficult. This is especially the case if everyone is talking about it…
Are these members of the Nusra Front fighting in Syria still loyal to Al-Qaeda? Hosam Katan/Reuters

Was Al-Qaeda a winner or loser from the Arab uprisings?

At first glance it appears that the Arab uprisings have strengthened Al-Qaeda and similar groups that fly the black banner. With the possible exception of Tunisia, the rest of the “Arab Spring” countries…
Politicians and parties on Australia’s political fringe would ban the burqa - except, apparently, when it is worn for the purposes of their political campaigns. AAP/Julian Smith

Banning the burqa is not the answer to fears about public safety

The burqa and niqab are often viewed as symbols of extremism. In the wake of the rise of Islamic State, it is unsurprising, therefore, that in recent days a number of Australian politicians have called…

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