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Artículos sobre Liver disease

Mostrando 21 - 23 de 23 artículos

Only a small proportion of people who eat these berries will become infected. Chiot's Run/Flickr

Scary berries: how food gets contaminated and what to do

Food distributor Patties Foods has recalled two brands of frozen mixed berries — Nanna’s and Creative Gourmet — due to reports of three people in Victoria, four in Queensland and two in New South Wales…
The molecule that causes the eel to glow when blue light is shone on it is unlike any found in other living organisms. Akiko Kumagai & Atsushi Miyawaki

Protein from sushi snack may help detect liver diseases

Researchers have discovered a fluorescent protein in a Japanese eel consumed as a popular sushi snack. The discovery could help develop simpler and more sensitive tests to detect jaundice and other diseases…

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