Immigration Minister Peter Dutton’s explicit linking of the arrangements to send Australia’s offshore refugees to the US and to accept some from Costa Rica presents not just an immediate credibility problem…
Australian and American leaders over the years have, from time to time, disagreed or said things to cause embarrassment. But, for the most part, such disagreements have been kept out of the limelight.
The US resettlement program has long had strong bipartisan support. It is also critical to global resettlement efforts: the US takes in by far the most resettled refugees of any country.
Donald Trump has told Malcolm Turnbull he will honour the deal the Australian government did with the Obama administration to take refugees who are being held offshore.
After Australia announced a refugee deal with the US, Labor’s Kate Ellis told Q&A that millions of dollars were spent on an earlier deal with Cambodia, yet very few lives were changed. Is that right?
Nick Xenophon has told constituents he is still considering how to vote on the government’s bill for a lifetime ban on visiting Australia for anyone sent to Nauru or Manus Island after mid-2013.
The Australian government’s refugee deal with the US is the first positive news in three years for asylum seekers and refugees on Nauru and Manus Island.
The Federal Government’s proposal to permanently ban asylum seekers and refugees who come to Australia by boat is in direct contravention of the Refugee Convention.
At long last – a serious deal is in place for the resettlement of refugees from Nauru and Manus. But the details are very sketchy, and the implementation and monitoring will be vital. There is no timeline…
Peter Dutton’s Wednesday news conference was the predictable rant against Labor, but something else came through. The Immigration Minister is genuinely anxious to get the refugees off Nauru and Manus Island…
Shortly after Malcolm Turnbull and Immigration Minister Peter Dutton aggressively targeted Labor on Sunday when announcing the government’s latest draconian border deterrent, Turnbull rang Bill Shorten…
The government’s message to asylum seekers is already clear: you are not welcome, and you will not be resettled in Australia. Surely that message does not need to be any harsher.
The only way the Turnbull government’s announcement of its latest move against boat people makes sense is if it is the belt-and-braces part of a wider plan to resettle refugees from Nauru and Manus Island…