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Artículos sobre Nokia

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All this cash should soften the landing. Sheba_Also

Finns crestfallen as golden parachute tangles up Nokia

After the revelation that Stephen Elop, the CEO of Nokia, received a bonus of €18.8m following the company’s merger with his former employer Microsoft, executive “golden parachutes” are back on the public…
The glory days. Nokia’s 8250 and the iconic 3210. Brad Scruse

In an escalation of commitment, Nokia becomes Microsoft

Microsoft’s takeover of Nokia’s mobile phone division won’t come as much of a surprise to anyone who has kept an eye on the pair for any length of time. Two years ago, the two companies decided to collaborate…
Microsoft chief Steve Ballmer is taking Nokia’s mobile business off the hands of its interim CEO, Risto Siilasmaa. AAP

Microsoft buys Nokia to make its own phones. Will they be that smart?

In a move that was paradoxically as unexpected as it was inevitable, Finnish mobile phone company Nokia has sold its mobile phones business to Microsoft for US$7.2 billion. The deal comes at a time when…
The US and Finland: united by ice hockey and not much else. RicLaf

Microsoft-Nokia culture clash will be tough to overcome

Among Western nations it would be difficult to find two cultures as different as the US and Finland. Americans are stereotypically confident and outgoing; Finns considerably more reserved. This is even…
The introduction of new-look smartphones such as the Z10 has done little to lift BlackBerry’s fortunes. Moridin_

Blackberry’s time has passed, as will the iPhone’s – such is the way

You’ll have seen the news about BlackBerry – the once undisputed champion in communications technology – essentially putting itself up for sale this week, and may be lamenting the decline of a tech giant…
After success in Europe and the US, subscription-based music streaming service, Spotify is launching in Australia. Could it be a musical saviour? Flickr/capsun

Spotify: saviour of the music industry?

International music provider Spotify is preparing for its launch into the Australian market later this year. As a subscription-based streaming service, the success of the Stockholm-based Spotify across…
Stuck between sock stores and sanger stalls? This tech could really help. avlxyz

Can Google kill the Gruen transfer in time for Christmas?

Christmas is fast approaching and there’s a (very big) chance you’ve got some last-minute shopping to do. You won’t be the only one, and with shopping centres packed to capacity, it’s easy to get lost…

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