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Artículos sobre Oestrogen

Mostrando 1 - 20 de 21 artículos

Some studies have linked drinking milk with higher risk of oestrogen-receptor positive breast cancer. Summersky/ Shutterstock

Breast cancer: is milk a risk factor?

Cow’s milk naturally raises levels of a growth factor strongly implicated in breast cancer risk.
Progesterone doesn’t seem to cause the blood clots, heart diseases and breast cancer associated with estrogen-dominant menopausal hormone therapy. (Shutterstock)

Hot flashes? Night sweats? Progesterone can help reduce symptoms of menopause

Science shows that many perimenopausal miseries — such as hot flashes, night sweats and trouble sleeping — are caused by excess or variable estrogen, not by “estrogen deficiency.”
Doctors and patients should appreciate the many roles estrogens play in the body. Doctor and patient image via

What women with breast cancer should know about estrogens

Estrogens also have many positive effects on mental health, cognitive function, libido and protection of the brain, possibly even slowing the onset of Alzheimer’s disease.
Understanding the DNA of tumours allows researchers to target treatment to each individual. Erika/Flickr

How cancer doctors use personalised medicine to target variations unique to each tumour

Personalised medicine is based on the idea that by understanding the specific molecular code of a person’s disease, and particularly its genetic makeup, we can more accurately tailor treatment.
Some women are very sensitive to small shifts in hormones, others aren’t. Petras Gagilas/flickr

Chemical messengers: how hormones affect our mood

In recent times, we have learnt more about the connections between the “reproductive” or gonadal hormones and the brain, and how they affect not only women but men as well.

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