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Artículos sobre States

Mostrando 41 - 46 de 46 artículos

The Bureau of Land Management (BLM) was often referred to as the Bureau of Livestock and Mining in the 19th century. U.S. Bureau of Land Management

The twisted roots of U.S. land policy in the West

What explains the anger behind the Malheur occupation in Oregon, and why does the BLM own so much land in the West?
Solar downtown: state-level policies led to a surge in solar adoption and energy efficiency measures in the late 2000s. Massachusetts Office of Energy and Environmental Affairs

The Paris Agreement: the first local global environmental pact

States and regions are taking the lead on climate change action and, so far, are seeing economic and environmental benefits.
The Australian newspaper reported that the Federal Treasurer has refused to back down on a proposed $4 billion cut to schools and hospital funding – a move that will anger the states. AAP Image/Lukas Coch

Federalism at stake if $4b is cut from schools and hospitals

The government’s attempt to engage the States on one hand while whipping them with the other does not augur well for tackling growing health and education costs – or for lasting federal reform.
Since the first Commonwealth parliament, commemorated in a special 2001 sitting in the Victorian Legislative Assembly, government has grown in unanticipated ways. AAP/Julian Smith

A reformed federation to match the needs of modern Australia

The federal budget reignited debate over federal-state relations with a decision to cut some $80 billion in funding for the state responsibilities of schools and hospitals over the coming years. So how…

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