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Artículos sobre UK newspapers

Mostrando 101 - 118 de 118 artículos

‘Is this a hack-ney carriage?’ ‘As your lawyer I advise you to say nothing at all Andy’. EPA/Sean Dempsey

Coulson acquittal – beginning of the end game of Leveson?

The acquittal of former News of the World editor and Cameron spin doctor-in-chief Andy Coulson on perjury charges at the high court in Edinburgh appears to have hinged largely on a phrase uttered by the…
Morning after: how the nationals covered the election. Paperboy

Election coverage: sweet victory or a new low for UK press?

So that’s that, then. The pollsters got it wildly wrong and the UK did not wake up on Friday to endless debates about coalitions, minority governments and who would deal with whom. Instead a startled “national…
Some people are pretty hacked off with the lack of press accountability in Britain. Daniel Leal-Olivas/PA Wire

Hold the front page – UK might get a press watchdog with teeth

As criminal trials proceed against more journalists for alleged corrupt payments to public officials, and more evidence emerges about industrial-scale phone hacking at Mirror Group newspapers, The Sun…
What has happened to British journalism’s proud record of speaking truth to power? Rowan Staszkiewicz/PA Wire

Press freedom in Britain is now dead in the water

Britain’s rights to basic freedom of expression, which writers, journalists and free-speech activists fought for over centuries have been sacrificed and abandoned in the space of a few short disastrous…

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