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Articles on Sustainability

Displaying 141 - 160 of 731 articles

The founder of Patagonia, long known for environmental activism, said on Sept. 14 that the company is dedicating all its future profits to a non-profit focused on fighting the environmental crisis and defending nature. (Shutterstock)

Has Patagonia defined a new gold standard for business responsibility?

Whether or not Patagonia’s recent move will have a lasting impact on business responsibility will depend on how it balances its environmental impacts with the social good it carries out.
Hiroshima Peace Memorial, known as the Genbaku Dome, was one of the few surviving structures after the city was hit by an atomic bomb in 1945. Its ruins bear witness to the 140,000 people who died, and spreads the message of “no more Hiroshimas”. Metrotrekker

To adapt to a changing world, heritage conservation needs to look toward the future

World heritage sites play an essential role in advancing Unesco’s goals, but more foresight is needed to imagine and enable promising strategies that address the needs of future generations.
Blockchain transactions are carried in blocks. The amount of energy it takes to add a new block varies widely depending on how it’s done. Yuichiro Chino/Moment via Getty Images

What is proof-of-stake? A computer scientist explains a new way to make cryptocurrencies, NFTs and metaverse transactions

Ethereum, one of the world’s largest blockchains and host of decentralized finance, NFTs and billions of dollars’ worth of cryptocurrency, is poised to dramatically reduce its energy consumption.
Climate researchers stress that natural gas bridges can often lead to nowhere as the reliance on natural gas can lock countries into fossil fuels, crowd out low-carbon technologies and risk stranding assets. (Shutterstock)

A bridge to nowhere: Natural gas will not lead Canada to a sustainable energy future

Fossil fuel companies are winning the battle on how we talk about natural gas expansion by referring to it as a “bridge fuel” or an essential bridge to the net-zero energy system of the future.

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