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Articles sur Algorithm

Affichage de 201 à 220 de 245 articles

Australians should be able to do more than just access and transfer their own consumer data.

Data availability report presents compromised rights for consumers

The Productivity Commission’s report on data availability and use is disappointing for consumers, who won’t be able to stop firms collecting their data or challenge automated decisions made using it.
To manage renewable energy efficiently, all weather variation need to be taken into account. Greg Clarke/Flickr

An algorithm to improve the renewable energy production

Relying less on fossil fuels is one of the key challenges of energy transition, and taking weather variations into account can help increase the overall efficiency of a renewable-energy system.
Can an algorithm explain itself? Robot decision via

Did artificial intelligence deny you credit?

A European Union law will require human-understandable explanations for algorithms’ decisions. A team of researchers has found a way to provide that, even for complex calculations.
There are reasons to believe the promise of people analytics may not live up to the hype. shutterstock

Why algorithms won’t necessarily lead to utopian workplaces

Despite its promises, people analytics has serious ethical implications and can adversely affect organisations and how people are treated at work.
Sharing election hashtags: Dots are Twitter accounts; lines show retweeting; larger dots are retweeted more. Red dots are likely bots; blue ones are likely humans. Clayton Davis

Misinformation on social media: Can technology save us?

If people can be conned into jeopardizing our children’s lives, as they do when they opt out of immunizations, could they also be conned out of democracy?

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