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Articles sur Baby

Affichage de 21 à 40 de 44 articles

Although the United Nations has raised concerns about the rights of children, advocates say a baby hatch, like the one shown here in Karlsruhe, Germany, can save lives. (Hardt Foundation)

After a newborn was found in a recycling bin, a safe haven baby hatch may save lives

Since an infant was found in a recycling bin last fall in Saskatoon, advocates have renewed their campaign for baby hatches, places mothers can leave newborns safely and anonymously.
James Young Simpson’s Caesarian forceps, Hunterian Museum, Glasgow. Stephencdickson/Wikipedia

How forceps permanently changed the way humans are born

Childbirth used to be a terrifying ordeal. But women were surrounded by others – mothers, aunts, sisters – who brought love and experience. But midway through the 19th century, this changed.
It’s not suitable for women with heart problems, but otherwise is a safe and effective option. Alex Pasarelu

Domperidone can boost breast milk supply – here’s what you need know

Domperidone raises levels of prolactin, which increases the production of breast milk. It’s safe for mothers and babies, but not all women will experience the same increase in milk volume.
The health scare surrounding nanoparticles might lead to people abandoning formula unnecessarily, with serious impacts on babies’ health. from

No, nanoparticles in baby formula will not harm your baby

A widely publicised study that cast doubt on the safety of milk formula was misleading, based on dubiously reported studies and may have serious consequences.
‘Baby talk’ has shorter sentences, simpler words and more repetition. Shutterstock

Why ‘baby talk’ is good for your baby

People often tell new parents to avoid ‘baby talk’ because it will slow down the child’s language development. But evidence shows it does the opposite.

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