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Articles sur Ethics

Affichage de 61 à 80 de 723 articles

Panic over supposed ‘super-predator’ teens ended years ago, but its consequences did not. jabejon/iStock via Getty Images Plus

40 years ago, the US started sending more and more kids to prison without hope of release, but today, it’s far more rare – what happened?

Research on developing brains has helped bring about a sea change in attitudes toward juvenile life without parole. But many people who committed crimes as minors are still serving such sentences.
SETI has been listening for markers that may indicate alien life – but is doing so ethical? Donald Giannati via Unsplash

First contact with aliens could end in colonization and genocide if we don’t learn from history

Three Indigenous studies scholars draw from colonial histories and explain why listening for alien life can have ethical ramifications.
The handling and disposition of human bodies raises all sorts of ethical and legal questions. Jupiterimages/The Image Bank via Getty Images

Is it legal to sell human remains?

The short answer: It’s complicated – and depends, in part, where you live.
‘Rhetoric’ has a bad rap – but some of the original rhetoricians’ techniques can actually help foster productive conversations. smartboy10/DigitalVision Vectors via Getty Images

‘Rhetoric’ doesn’t need to be such an ugly word – it has a lot to teach echo-chambered America

Ancient Greek philosophers despised the Sophists’ rhetoric because it searched for relative truth, not absolutes. But learning how to do that thoughtfully can help constructive debates.
A casual stroll on the beach can leave enough intact DNA behind to extract identifiable information. Comezora/Moment via Getty Images

You shed DNA everywhere you go – trace samples in the water, sand and air are enough to identify who you are, raising ethical questions about privacy

Environmental DNA provides a wealth of information for conservationists, archaeologists and forensic scientists. But the unintentional pickup of human genetic information raises ethical questions.

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