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Dr Matt Beard is a husband, dad, pop culture nerd and moral philosopher with an academic background in applied and military ethics. He is an Associate Lecturer at the University of Notre Dame Australia. Matt is also a Fellow at The Ethics Centre, undertaking research into ethical principles for technology. Matt has taught philosophy and ethics at university level for several years, during which time he has also published widely in academic journals, book chapters and spoke at a number of international conferences. His work has mainly focussed on military ethics, a topic on which he has advised the Australian Army. He has also published academic pieces on torture, cyberwar, medical ethics, space weapons, Shakespeare and the psychological impacts of war on veterans.

In 2016, Matt won the Australasian Association of Philosophy prize for media engagement, recognising his “prolific contribution to public philosophy”. He regularly appears to discuss a range of ethical issues on television, radio, online and in print. He is a columnist with New Philosopher magazine and a podcaster on the ABC’s Short & Curly, an award-winning children’s podcast aimed at getting families to engage with ethics in a fun and accessible way. Matt believes everyone is already a philosopher who, given the right circumstances and skills, can live a wise, enriched and ethical life.


  • 2015–present
    Adjunct Lecturer, School of Humanities and Social Sciences, UNSW Canberra
  • 2011–2015
    Research Associate, Institute for Ethics & Society
  • 2013–2014
    Managing Editor, Solidarity: The Journal for Catholic Social Thought and Secular Ethics
  • 2011–2013
    Junior Editor, Solidarity: The Journal for Catholic Social Thought and Secular Ethics


  • 2014 
    University of Notre Dame Australia, PhD
  • 2010 
    University of Notre Dame, Australia, Bachelor of Philosophy (Honours)


  • 2014
    Virtuous Soldiers: A Role for the Liberal Arts?, Journal of Military Ethics
  • 2014
    Enriching Rights: Virtue and Moral Sacrifice in Just War Theory, Research in Ethical Issues in Organisations
  • 2013
    Personhood, harm and interest: a reply to Minerva and Guiblini, Journal of Medical Ethics
  • 2013
    Risking Aggression: Toleration of Threat and Preventive War, Heythrop Journal
  • 2011
    Two Views of Conscience for the Australian People, Solidarity: The Journal for Catholic Social Thought and Secular Ethics

Research Areas

  • Applied Ethics (2201)
  • Philosophy And Religious Studies (22)
  • Political Theory And Political Philosophy (160609)