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Peacebuilding – Analyses

Many black South Africans live in appalling conditions with no running water or electricity 27 years into democracy. Anders Pettersson/Getty Images

South Africa needs new thinking for its democracy to work for all

The new governing elite mistakenly believes that the goal of a democratic South Africa is simply to extend to everyone what whites enjoyed under apartheid.
In happier days. Nigerian President Muhammadu Buhari (centre) and Vice President Yemi Osinbajo (left) pose as Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg takes a selfie during his visit to the country in 2016. Sunday Aghaeze/AFP via Getty Images

Twitter ban will harm Nigeria as a technology investment destination

Nigeria risks losing its recent status as Africa’s most attractive tech hub following its decision to suspend Twitter’s operations.
A convoy of Malian armed forces escorts the vehicle of the country’s coup leader as he returns from a recent ECOWAS summit where Mali was suspended. Photo by Michele Cattani/AFP via Getty Images

Mali: top 5 implications of the latest palace coup

Mali’s state decay must be halted before it collapses: here are five areas that need attention.
Men largely determine the fertility rate in Nigeria. These men are drumming for dancers at a festival. Pius Utomi Ekpei/AFP via Getty Images

Family size: why some Nigerian men want more children

The Nigerian government must design more interventions to improve education, employment opportunities and the economy in order to control the country’s population growth.
A woman sweeps outside her shack in Khayelitsha, Cape Town. South Africa is among the most unequal societies in the world. Getty Images

Book calls for a rethink of capitalism amid the ravages of COVID-19

Rethinking capitalism requires that the primary focus should be on the distribution of economic power as the potential leading causal factor driving inequality.