The B.C. Court’s dismissal of Chief Dsta’hyl’s justification that he was following Wet’suwet’en law points to the need for broader discussion regarding rights and jurisdiction.
Despite demands for an urgent ‘reservation’ and ‘national interest test’ over new WHO regulations, New Zealand’s sovereignty is not at risk from international agreements or treaties.
A central question remains unresolved in the draft treaty: Is plastic pollution basically a waste management problem, or can it be solved only with a cap on production?
Seven Williams Treaties First Nations continue to call on the provincial government to adequately consult them when making important decisions on their lands in the Greenbelt and beyond.
Ironically perhaps, it may be the move toward reconciliation between Indigenous Peoples and settler Canadians that revives the focus of the Crown in Canadian schooling.
New agreements in B.C. provide economic compensation for land restoration activities to several First Nations and limit new oil and gas development projects.
A new study adds up the potential legal and financial risk countries could face from hundreds of agreements, like those under the Energy Charter Treaty.
What happens to the International Space Station when tensions on Earth rise? A space policy expert explains how the ISS is run and how Russian aggression has threatened its operation in the past – and now.
Representatives of 175 countries voted to start developing a global treaty to reduce plastic waste. Treaties addressing mercury, long-range air pollution and ozone depletion offer some lessons.
The sketchy history of international efforts to control bioweapons suggests that nations will resist cooperative monitoring of gene hacking for medical research.
Collaborative research sought to document Six Nations youth perspectives shared through art and story to inform principles for water management in the lower Grand River.
The US is formally back in the Paris climate agreement as of today. As one of the world’s largest greenhouse gas emitters, it has a lot of work to do, with food security, health and safety at stake.
To ensure its energy security and influence in the Gulf region, the United Kingdom will likely deepen its relations with GCC nations in a post-Brexit world.
Activists wanted nations to make bigger climate commitments at the Madrid COP-25 meeting, but the meeting’s real goal was agreeing on rules for pricing carbon pollution.
President Trump has confirmed that the US will leave the Paris Agreement on climate change on the earliest allowable date: Nov. 4, 2020. Will this hobble efforts to slow global warming?
A group of scientists want a new Geneva Convention to safeguard the environment during wars and conflicts. We already have such rules, but they’re inadequate, inconsistent and unclear.