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Articles sur US foreign policy

Affichage de 321 à 340 de 406 articles

Negotiations between members of the United Nations Command and North Korean counterparts in 2013.

What is the right response to North Korea’s fourth nuclear test?

U.S. forces in South Korea are on high alert after North Korea claimed to have tested a hydrogen bomb last week. But China may be better positioned to curb North Korea’s menacing behavior.
Whatever the terms agreed by the 12 trade ministers who signed the Trans-Pacific Partnership, the text is unlikely to include the word ‘democracy’. Reuters/USTR Office

Why democracy is the unspoken issue in America’s TPP agenda

Why has the United States, the great engine of democratisation, advanced a pact that is silent on a defining theme of its foreign policy?
EPA/CJ Gunther

China goes ballistic

China’s not happy. Normally that sort of phrase is pretty meaningless. Clearly not everyone in China has the same view on anything – with the possible exception of its territorial claims in the South China…

When worlds collide

The meeting between the leaders of China and the United States has rapidly become the gold standard for set-piece diplomatic extravaganzas. Xi Jinping and Barack Obama are, after all, the two most powerful…
During his upcoming visit to Washington, Muhammadu Buhari should soak up as much as he can about how to manage difficult economic conditions. EPA/Deji Yake

Lessons Buhari can learn from Obama about managing a tough economy

Muhammadu Buhari could learn some useful lessons from Barack Obama when they meet in Washington, particularly on how to get an economy back on its feet.
US President Barack Obama’s much-anticipated visit is aimed at forging stronger ties with Kenya and Ethiopia. Reuters/Jonathan Ernst

Obama’s visit to strengthen America’s ties in East Africa

Kenya and Ethiopia need to use the media spotlight of US President Barack Obama’s visit to showcase their various opportunities. The US and the African Union will also be looking to benefit from the visit.
At its core, Islamic State’s runaway success is not down to its military capability. Rather, it is due to Iraq’s political circumstances. Reuters

One year on, Islamic State is here to stay – so what next?

There are three key reasons why success for the West hasn’t followed. Together, these reasons point towards an urgent need to shift strategy to avoid a stalemate.
Iraqi troops training with the US Army June 2015. US Army/Reuters

The politics of paralysis: What the Fed and Iraq have in common

On the face of it, Iraq and the US Federal Reserve share little. One is a country plagued by division, war and mayhem since the US invasion of 2003. It is a brutal world where there are no friends, few…
An Afghan girl looks out of a damaged window of a shrine. REUTERS/Mohammad Ismail

Keep foreign hands off Afghanistan

As the US slows down its troop withdrawal and China increases its involvement in Afghanistan, a warning that if the country is to see peace again, foreign meddling needs to stop.
US President Barack Obama speaks at the US-Africa leaders summit. The number of US programs and initiatives on the continent has grown exponentially. EPA

Obama’s visit to Kenya: why Africa matters to America

Barack Obama’s upcoming visit to Kenya is a clear sign American military and economic involvement in Africa will continue to rise amid growing Chinese influence.
Australia’s reaction to revelations that its citizens were fighting for IS follows a pattern of intellectual and state fear-mongering. AAP/Lukas Coch

Radical Islam and the West: the moral panic behind the threat

If governments are to maintain public support for their military ventures, war narratives must be kept simple and consistent. The underlying message must not change: the West is always the innocent victim of terrorism, never its perpetrator.

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