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Articles sur Welsh culture

Affichage de 1 à 20 de 28 articles

Annie Hughes Griffiths holds the Welsh women’s petition for peace at the White House on February 21 1924, alongside (l-r) Gladys Thomas, Mary Ellis and Elined Prys. WCIA/Temple of Peace Archives

A century ago, the women of Wales made an audacious appeal for world peace – this is their story

A tour of the US was the culmination of an extraordinary peace campaign that gathered 390,296 signatures from women all over Wales. So why does it not appear in any history books?
The Welsh name Yr Wyddfa is now used for the mountain instead of Snowdon by the national park authority. Malgosia Janicka/Shutterstock.

Welsh place names are being erased – and so are the stories they tell

Welsh place names often reflect local legends, fauna and topography. The coining of English names to replace them has sparked an ongoing campaign to protect them.

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