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Articles sur Whistleblowing

Affichage de 41 à 60 de 65 articles

Proposed laws requiring covert footage of animal cruelty to be handed promptly to authorities would make in-depth investigations much harder. Animals Australia

Australia’s new bill to protect animals will do anything but

Proposed laws requiring immediate reporting of animal cruelty sound like a good idea. But in practice they will make it harder to mount comprehensive investigations like the ABC’s greyhound expose.
Not seeming to get much right at the moment. Chris Radburn/PA Wire

Profits are slashed but Tesco manages at least one thing well

The decline in Tesco’s fortunes in recent weeks has been staggering. Falling sales and an accounting scandal have caused a slump in profits and the supermarket’s share price. Pre-tax profits fell 92% to…
G20 countries - including Australia - could improve their whistleblower protections. Image sourced from

G20 still has a way to go with whistleblower protections

The G20 countries’ whistleblower protection laws fail to meet best international standards, according to the first independent evaluation of both public and private sector whistleblowing laws. This is…
Whatever Barack Obama says, the fact is the US president reined in spying powers in response to public knowledge gained from leaks about NSA activities. EPA/Shawn Thew

Obama’s concession on spying makes implicit case for leaks

All eyes were on US president Barack Obama when he announced his plan to reform the National Security Agency (NSA) and its ability to collect phone metadata. Three main changes will be pursued: the government…
ASIC Chairman Greg Medcraft. Dan Peled/AAP

ASIC underwhelms with call for greater powers

The Australian Securities and Investments Commission has called for more powers, including a broadening of the definition of “whistleblower”, in a paper defending its role as the corporate watchdog. ASIC’s…
Hero or traitor? Bradley Manning will have years to ponder the question. EPA/Shawn Thew

35 years for Manning, and time for better whistleblowing laws

Bradley Manning, the whistleblower behind the biggest leak of military secrets in history, has been sentenced to 35 years imprisonment. Convicted for six offences under the Espionage Act, he will have…
In truth, whistleblower Bradley Manning’s experiences with online media are not so far removed from other ‘digital natives’. EPA/Jim Lo Scalzo

Born this way? Becoming Bradley Manning in a digital world

As US Army private Bradley Manning stares down 90 years in jail, his lawyers are fighting the weight of history. Prosecutors want us to see a soldier who shamefully turned his back on a sacred oath. To…
The Vixen B tests at Maralinga were kept quiet for decades: why did no one ask what was going on? Wayne England

Dig for secrets: the lesson of Maralinga’s Vixen B

Occasionally I give guest lectures to undergraduates about Maralinga. In most cases, the students have never heard of the place. A small number may have heard the word, but don’t know what it means. This…
Whistling while you work should be part of the NHS culture. Flickr/

Sacked for whistleblowing, now the NHS must reform

I lost my job in 2010 after raising concerns about staff shortages and patient safety in the NHS. But despite the NHS Chief Executive’s promise to intervene for whistleblowers and a tribunal in my favour…
Public interest: many Americans feel that Edward Snowden acted on their behalf. Michael Fleshman via Creative Commons

Patriot games: the odds are stacked against whistleblower Snowden

The debate about whether Edward Snowden is a public interest whistleblower - the “Paul Revere” of the digital age, as his father and lawyer have dubbed him, or a “traitor”, as former vice-president Dick…
New legislation, if passed next week, will be an important step towards better protection for whistelblowers. Whistle image from

Whistleblowing law now an acid test for federal politicians

After six different parliamentary committees over 20 years, and commitments from all sides of politics, the test is now on for the final week of the current federal parliament. Federal leaders have certainly…

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