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Articles sur Zoology

Affichage de 81 à 100 de 102 articles

Human sleeping patterns could be about more than light and dark. Kristof Borkowski

Sleeping with the fishes: Somalian cavefish shed light on our body clocks

Eyeless fish that have evolved underground, completely isolated from the day-night cycle, may offer clues to how our body clocks work up here on dry land. Authors of a report published today in the online…

Crab claw keeps crustaceans cool

A male fiddler crab’s oversized claw has be found to help it regulate its body temperature Researchers placed crabs under…
Estimates on the possible number of species vary wildly. Holger Hollerman/AFP

8.7 million species now estimated on Earth (and then some)

An estimated 8.7 million species exist on Earth, according to a paper published today in PLoS Biology. The figure is based on a new validated analytical technique that, it’s said, significantly narrows…

Iberian lynx not doomed by its genetics

The low genetic diversity of the Iberian lynx – the most endangered carnivore in Europe – may not decrease the species’ chance…

Chimpanzees are spontaneously generous

Chimpanzees have a significant bias for “prosocial” behaviour, according to researchers at the Yerkes National Primate Research…
The vaccine – which will be given to horses – is currently 18 months away. AAP

Hope for Hendra virus vaccination … but not this year

As Queensland authorities confirm the third outbreak of Hendra virus within a week, researchers are moving to fast track a horse vaccination for the deadly virus, which can spread from horses to humans…
Crows remember faces they associate with stressful situations for up to five years. And they tell their friends. Flickr/

Never cross a crow - it will remember your face

Crows can remember human faces associated with stressful situations for up to five years and they’ll also warn their friends, a study has found. Crows are known for their extraordinary smarts and have…
Queensland authorities on Wedneday confirmed that a horse had died of Hendra virus on a farm south of Brisbane. The virus, which can spread from horses to humans, has killed four of the seven people ever infected. AAP

Explainer: Why is Hendra virus so dangerous?

Queensland authorities have confirmed a horse on a farm south of Brisbane has died of Hendra virus, which can spread from horses to humans and has killed four of the seven people ever known to have been…
A genome mapping project revealed that Tasmanian devils are genetically vulnerable to disease but found that a devil from the island’s north west was initally able to fight the deadly face tumour disease decimating the population. Flickr, Scott Savage

Genome map project uncovers first Tasmanian devil to fight off face tumour

A Tasmanian devil genome mapping project by U.S. researchers has revealed how a tiny gene pool helped spread a deadly facial tumour disease throughout the population but also uncovered the first ever devil…
Monitor lizard (Varanus macraei), Papua New Guinea. Found on the tiny islands off the Vogelkop (Bird’s Head) Peninsula of Papua in Indonesia and capable of reaching a metre in length. WWF/Lutz Obelgonner

River shark and blue goanna among 1000 new species discovered in New Guinea

A giant river shark, rainbow fish and a lurid blue monitor lizard are among the 1,060 new species discovered in the relatively untouched forests of New Guinea, according to a new report by conservationist…
A study of blue-footed boobies found that while siblings bully each other badly in the nest, the youngsters grow into adults with normal levels of aggression. Flickr

Sibling bullying doesn’t cause lasting wimpiness

Harsh sibling bullying maybe tough to endure as a youngster but victims won’t necessarily grow into cowed and meek adults, a study on birds has found. Mexican researchers studying blue-footed boobies…

Penguins keep warm with Mexican waves

Emperor penguins send small waves of movement through their huddles to ensure all members stay warm. Every 30–60 seconds…
Were cave women more likely to leave home than men? Flickr, Klearchos Kapoutsis

Scientists wonder: did cave women wander?

Primitive women were more likely than their male counterparts to pack up and leave the cave, eventually partnering with men from further afield, according to a new study published in Nature magazine. By…
The pancake batfish is endearingly ugly, and we may have wiped it out. Prosanta Chakrabarty (Louisiana State University, USA)

Top ten species list says more about humans than cute and creepy critters

When I told my family that the top ten list of new species had been announced, the teenager asked, “Are we on it?” Although we’re not on the list, our fingerprints are all over it. Homo sapiens remains…

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