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Articles on English literature

Displaying 61 - 80 of 125 articles

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What does ‘Orwellian’ mean, anyway?

Boris Johnson and Michael Gove may not be the stuff of Orwell’s dystopian nightmare, but they clearly know how to talk in ‘doublespeak’.
Emma Thompson as Elinor Dashwood in the 1995 film of Sense and Sensibility: a competent moral agent drawing only on her intelligence and experience. Columbia Pictures Corporation

Friday essay: the revolutionary vision of Jane Austen

This year is the bicentenary of Jane Austen’s death and her celebrity continues to grow. But relegating Austen’s work to plots about ‘whether the heroine gets her man’ belittles her achievement.
For all its millions of female readers, romance fiction has been dismissed as sappy, trashy and dangerous to read. Pixeljoy/shutterstock

To the mattresses: a defence of romance fiction

Can a gender studies academic also write Mills and Boon novels? And can purple prose be as empowering as a pink pussy hat? The answer is yes, and yes again.

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