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Professor of Fantasy and Children's Literature, Co-Director, Centre for Fantasy and the Fantastic, University of Glasgow

Dimitra Fimi is Professor of Fantasy and Children's Literature at the University of Glasgow and Co-Director of the Centre for Fantasy and the Fantastic. Her monograph Tolkien, Race and Cultural History (Palgrave Macmillan, 2008) won the Mythopoeic Scholarship Award for Inklings Studies and she co-edited the critical edition of Tolkien’s A Secret Vice (HarperCollins, 2016) which won the Tolkien Society Award for Best Book. Her latest monograph, Celtic Myth in Contemporary Children’s Fantasy, appeared from Palgrave Macmillan in 2017. It won the Mythopoeic Scholarship Award in Myth and Fantasy Studies and was named runner-up for the Katharine Briggs Folklore Award. Other recent work includes cco-editing Sub-creating Arda: World-building in J.R.R. Tolkien's Work, its Precursors and its Legacies (Walking Tree, 2019), and Imagining the Celtic Past in Modern Fantasy (Bloomsbury, 2023). She has contributed articles for the TLS and The Conversation, and has appeared on numerous radio and TV programmes.


  • 2015–2018
    Senior Lecturer in English, Cardiff Metropolitan University
  • 2010–2015
    Lecturer in English, Cardiff Metropolitan University