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University of Glasgow

The University of Glasgow has been inspiring people to change the world for over 550 years and is a member of the prestigious Russell Group of leading UK research universities. As a world top 100 university with annual research income of more than £181m and overall student satisfaction rate of 91%, the University of Glasgow is committed to delivering world class research at the same time as the highest standards of teaching and education.


Displaying 1 - 20 of 591 articles

Robert Fico, fotografiado poco antes del atentado. Alamy/AP/Radovan Stoklasa

¿Quién es Robert Fico?

El primer ministro eslovaco permanece hospitalizado tras recibir un disparo a quemarropa. La situación eslovaca es ahora extremadamente peligrosa, y se necesita mucha cabeza fría para evitar una escalada de la tensión.
Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Minister Marc Miller recently expressed alarm over asylum claims by international students at private colleges. (Shutterstock)

Setting the record straight on refugee claims by international students

Recent comments about international students in Canada significantly abusing the asylum system are misleading and obscure the context needed to understand a complex issue.
Asylum seekers are brought ashore after being rescued at sea by Border Force in Dover, Kent, in September 2022. Sean Aidan Calderbank|Shutterstock

The UK government is using private tech companies to deliver public funds to asylum seekers

Private tech companies are increasingly being used to delivery public funds to vulnerable people – and facilitate the government’s hostile environment policies.


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