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Articles on Stigma

Displaying 101 - 120 of 135 articles

In this 2012 photo, grandmother Janet Kitheka, 63, collects her adopted “granddaughter” Lucy, 13, at the end of the school day in the yard of the Hot Courses Primary School, in the village of Nyumbani which caters to children who lost their parents to HIV, and grandparents who lost their children to HIV in Kenya. (AP Photo/Ben Curtis)

Aspirin could help reduce HIV infections in women

Research shows that Aspirin could reduce the number of HIV infections in women at high risk for HIV, such as Kenyan female sex workers.
Mariah Carey recently announced she has bipolar II disorder. Most of us won’t know what that means. AAP/Alba Vigaray

Mood and personality disorders are often misconceived: here’s what you need to know

Media portrayals don’t help misconceptions about disorders such as bipolar, schizophrenia and borderline personality disorder. So what do these terms actually mean?
Jules Kim, Zahra Stardust and Cameron Cox at the Festival of Dangerous Ideas. Zahra Stardust

The stigma of sex work comes with a high cost

Stigma continues to inform legal, social and cultural attitudes towards sex work and remains a barrier to health, human rights and justice. Developing stigma indicators is one step towards change.
In 2016, a UK Home Affairs Committee report highlighted that street-based sex work has diminished significantly over the last two to three decades. shutterstock

Stigma and stereotypes about sex work hinder regulatory reform

Consensual sex work, like non-commercial sex, mostly happens behind closed doors. Yet stigma toward and ignorance about sex workers makes people panic when we try to talk about reform.
An electroconvulsive therapy machine is seen at an exhibition at the Wellcome Collection in London in 2012. REUTERS/Chris Helgren

Electroconvulsive therapy: A history of controversy, but also of help

Critics have portrayed ECT as a form of medical abuse. Yet many psychiatrists, and more importantly, patients, consider it to be safe and effective. Few medical treatments have such disparate images.
Nurses can be scared to talk about suicide just as much as the next person. shutterstock/ArtFamily

Even nurses aren’t immune to the stigma of suicide

The lack of suicide training provided in nursing programmes can leave nurses feeling like there is a risk of further harm to the patient.

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