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Articles on US politics

Displaying 261 - 280 of 732 articles

An American protester makes his feelings plain during the Iranian hostage crisis, 1979. Wikimedia Commons

Why does the American right hate Iran so much?

Ever since the shocking spectacle of the Iranian Revolution and hostage crisis, American conservatives have reserved a special disdain for the Islamic Republic.
President Donald Trump and former FBI Director James Comey. AP Photo/Evan Vucci, left, and Andrew Harnik

Why does a president demand loyalty from people who work for him?

There’s a trade-off when presidents appoint loyalists. A loyalist may not be as competent as the position demands, but he or she may satisfy the president by carrying out his agenda.
Kevin McCarthy, a Republican from California, has fought a battle with conservatives in his party for the speakership. Kevin Dietsch/Getty Images

What does the speaker of the House do? Here’s what Kevin McCarthy’s successor will have for a job

The speaker of the House is the most visible and authoritative spokesperson for the majority party in the House. But their role goes beyond politics to everything from accounting to procurement.

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