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Artikel-artikel mengenai Borneo

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The Punan Batu live a nomadic life, moving between rock shelters and forest camps. Pradiptajati Kusuma/The Conversation Indonesia.

New genetic research uncovers the lives of Bornean hunter-gatherers

The Punan Batu is one of the most active nomadic hunter-gatherer groups still existing in the world. They have unique characteristics that are different from other groups in Borneo.
Andrea Jalandoni

This cave on Borneo has been used for 20,000 years – and we’ve now dated rock art showing colonial resistance 400 years ago

New dates for the rock art in the Gua Sireh cave in Malaysia reveal resistance to frontier violence between 1670 and 1830.
Tim Maloney

World’s earliest evidence of a successful surgical amputation found in 31,000-year-old grave in Borneo

An astonishing discovery from the oldest known grave in Southeast Asia has revised medical history – the previous known amputation surgery was just 7,000 years ago.

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