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Artikel-artikel mengenai Brain science

Menampilkan 21 - 40 dari 53 artikel

Nobody’s perfect – not you, and not your kids. And that’s OK. from

Five things every guilty parent needs to know

Feeling guilty and out of your depth as a parent? You’re not alone – and there are ways to turn the guilt you’re feeling into positive changes for your family.
Mystic rodent. Starsandspirals

Do rats dream of the future?

‘Place cells’ in the hippocampus are thought to guide us through our space but they may play a part in helping us to imagine future scenarios.
Just you wait… César Rincón

Why do human children stay so small for so long?

Why does it take so long for human children to grow up? A male chimp and male human, for example, both end up with the same body weight but they grow very differently: at year one the human weighs twice…
Brains exist in a dynamic bidirectional interplay with our bodies, and this has major implications for the health of both. Petri Damstén/Flickr

Mind over matter: cynics, it seems, triple their risk of dementia

I don’t want to sound too cynical, but recent research findings in dementia seem hard to believe. A study of over 1,000 people has found people who scored higher on a measure of cynicism during late life…

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