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Artikel-artikel mengenai Climate change adaptation

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South Australia’s McLaren Vale is leading the way in adapting to climate change, but the future for vineyards is still uncertain. AAP Image/Ben Macmahon

Message in a bottle: the wine industry gives farmers a taste of what to expect from climate change

The wine industry is sensitive to climate change, but grape growers also have the funding and knowledge to put themselves at the forefront of climate adaptation. Other farmers should watch with interest.
Only a small portion of Porto Novo, Benin, is built-up. The city is taking steps to combat climate change. Anton Ivanov/Shutterstock

Porto Novo: an African city taking action against climate change

Porto Novo in Benin, Rouen in France and Da Nang in Vietnam are taking steps to mitigate the harsh effects of climate change, which will hit them hard if they don’t.
Cyclone Pam struck the developing island nation of Vanuatu in March 2015. Poorer nations are more exposed to environmental dangers so are more concerned about impacts that might increase the risk. AAP Image/Dave Hunt

Wealthy nations overlook the dangers of climate change

Who cares more about environmental issues: people in rich countries, or not-so-rich countries? A survey suggests it’s those in poorer places who are more vulnerable to issues like climate change.
Drought-reduced crop yields could threaten food supply in Australia. David Kelleher/Flickr

Adapt now to prevent poor health from climate change: report

The Australian Academy of Science has warned that sick, older, poor and isolated Australians are at most risk from the health impacts of climate effects such as drought, fires, floods and heatwaves.
Climate change is affecting gender ratios in fish, and could hamper their ability to return to a 50:50 balance.

Climate change can tip the gender balance, but fish can tip it back

Warmer temperatures can throw off the gender balance in some species. But some fish can adjust their offspring’s gender to compensate, but only if temperatures don’t rise too high.
The sea level has gone up about half of a foot since the 1960s on the southern Florida coast, making floods after storms more frequent. siralbertus

Rising seas bring heavy burden to Florida coastal economy. Can it adapt?

Florida’s coastal populations and its economy face serious threats from rising sea levels caused by global climate change. The state’s response could set an example for other nations around the world.
Blooming marvellous: cacti are among the few plant species that can thrive in the desert. Alan Levine/Flickr

Why are cacti so juicy? The secret strategy of succulents

Photosynthesis can be costly - but plants in hot and dry environments have evolved two special strategies for storing carbon dioxide, that could be used to protect crops against climate change.
Treasurer Joe Hockey didn’t mention climate change in his speech on Australia’s prospects for 2055. AAP Image/Lukas Coch

Climate is an intergenerational issue, but the report ducked it

Climate change barely rates a mention in the Intergenerational Report, despite the huge potential costs. Peter Christoff says the only way to overcome this short-sightedness is to end the politics and make the review independent.
The Onkaparinga River, part of the catchment that supplies around half of Adelaide’s drinking water. Justin Ratcliff/Flickr

Adelaide is facing a dry future – it needs to start planning now

Imagine a future where the yearly flow into one of the largest water reservoirs of a major Australian city could halve within 70 years. This is a scenario that Adelaide could face if the world continues…
Water in Western Australia is one of the Academy’s examples of where climate is having an impact, and where communities are already adapting. Bram Souffreau/Wikimedia Commons

Australian Academy of Science brings climate change closer to home

The Australian Academy of Sciences today released the new The Science of Climate Change: Questions and Answers. This is an extensively revised update of a similar publication in 2010. Its stated purpose…
The Boston-area transit authority has had major disruptions and shut-downs this winter. MaxVT/Flickr

Extreme weather exposes the vulnerability of our cities to climate change

Despite the Patriots winning the Super Bowl, January and February were not kind months for the people of Boston and New England. By February 10th, more than 60 inches of snow in 30 days fell on the city…
Hurricane Sandy pummeled cities along the east coast in 2012, causing billions of dollars of damage. Shutterstock

The economic cost of climate change: time for new math

Climate change is as much an economic problem as an environmental one. The effects of climate change, such as damage from more severe weather or health problems from higher temperatures, will impose a…

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