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Artikel-artikel mengenai Climate change adaptation

Menampilkan 101 - 120 dari 239 artikel

Miami is investing hundreds of millions of dollars to raise roads in response to rising sea levels. AP Photo/Wilfredo Lee

What is climate-ready infrastructure? Some cities are starting to adapt

Infrastructure systems – roads, water treatment systems, power grid – can’t be built the same ways as in the past. What’s a better roadmap for the future?
2016’s warm winter meant not enough snow for the start of the Iditarod sled dog race in Anchorage, so it was brought by train from 360 miles north. AP/Rachel D'Oro

In Alaska, everyone’s grappling with climate change

For everyone from traditional hunters to the military, the National Park Service to the oil industry, climate change is the new reality in Alaska. Government, residents and businesses are all trying to adapt.
How much should a council pay to protect private beachfront properties? AAP Image/Nearmap

Building sea walls is a small bandaid on a gaping wound

How far will we go to protect high-risk beachfront property? New research suggests local councils are too willing to spend public money to protect private landowners from coastal climate change.
Floodwaters surround farm equipment in the aftermath of Hurricane Florence near Trenton, N.C., on Sept. 16, 2018. (AP Photo/Steve Helber)

Trump’s ‘all-out effort’ on climate is derelict and risky

Donald Trump claims his administration has carried out an “all-out effort” in preparing for the effects of climate change. Nothing could be further from the truth.
The fertile, mountainous terrain of Colombia’s coffee-producing central region is vulnerable to climate change impacts such as stronger storms and hotter temperatures. Eddy Milfort/flickr

Coffee farmers struggle to adapt to Colombia’s changing climate

Colombia’s coffee industry is at risk due to unpredictable seasons, floods, landslides, droughts and pests. Farmers say they want to learn to adapt to these environmental changes but don’t know how.
The sun sets behind the Statue of Liberty, July 1, 2018. AP Photo/Andres Kudacki, File

Coping with heat waves: 5 essential reads

July is the hottest month in much of North America. Experts explain who is most affected by heat waves and ways to cope with them.
Crop insurance is designed to help farmers weather disasters such as Hurricane Irma, which devastated many Florida citrus farms in 2017. AP Photo/Tamara Lush

Crop insurance is good for farmers, but not always for the environment

Crop insurance cushions farmers against natural disasters, but it also can lead them to overuse resources and reduce their incentive to adapt to climate change.
Will the yellow warbler survive a changing climate? By Steve Byland/

Can this bird adapt to a warmer climate? Read the genes to find out

As the climate warms, some species will not be able to evolve fast enough to adapt to the new conditions. Rachael Bay examined DNA for clues as to which yellow warblers were most vulnerable.
Flood waters rise in the Montreal neighbourhood of Cartierville in May 2017. (Fred/flickr)

Urban floods: We can pay now or later

The risk of urban flooding is rising. Overall, residents and municipalities are ill prepared, but there are steps homeowners can take to protect themselves.
‘Soft fall’ surfaces are widely used in play areas where children might fall, but can also get very hot in the sun, which undermines this safety benefit. Brisbane City Council/Flickr

Materials that make heat worse for our kids demand a rethink by designers

Commonly used surfaces in play areas, such as “soft fall” materials and Astroturf, can heat up to 80-100°C in the sun. This makes them a hazardous design choice, especially as the climate gets hotter.

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