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Research Fellow, Conservation Science, Deakin University

Dr Carla Archibald is a Research Fellow at the Centre for Integrative Ecology at Deakin University. Carla has technical expertise in GIS, spatial analysis and modelling, with an interest in private land conservation, environmental policy, climate change adaptation, food systems and sustainability. Her past post-doctoral research project was at The University of Queensland which aimed to guide private land conservation investments to maximise koala conservation across New South Wales under the uncertainties of climate change. Carla has a Bachelor of Applied Science with Honour I in ecology and a PhD in conservation science and policy from the University of Queensland.


  • 2020–present
    Research Fellow, Deakin University
  • 2019–2020
    Research Fellow, University of Queensland


  • 2020 
    The University of Queensland, PhD (Conservation Science)
  • 2014 
    The University of Queensland, BSci (Ecology) Hons I
  • 2013 
    The University of Queensland, BAppSci (Wildlife Science)


  • 2021
    Small Landscape Elements double connectivity and highly fragmented area of Brazilian Atlantic Forest, Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution
  • 2021
    Do conservation covenants consider the delivery of ecosystem services?, Environmental Science & Policy
  • 2020
    Offsetting impacts of development on biodiversity and ecosystem services, Ambio
  • 2020
    A recipe to reverse the loss of nature, Nature News and Views
  • 2020
    Differences among protected area governance types matter for conserving vegetation communities at-risk of loss and fragmentation, Biological Conservation
  • 2020
    Program awareness, social capital, and perceptions of trees influence participation in private land conservation programs in Queensland, Australia, Environmental Management
  • 2020
    Navigating spaces between conservation research and practice: Are we making progress?, Ecological Solutions and Evidence
  • 2019
    How conservation initiatives go to scale, Nature Sustainability
  • 2018
    Crowdfunding biodiversity conservation, Conservation Biology
  • 2018
    Fairness and Transparency Are Required for the Inclusion of Privately Protected Areas in Publicly Accessible Conservation Databases, Land
  • 2018
    Using Google search data to inform global climate change adaptation policy, Climatic Change
  • 2017
    Assessing the impact of revegetation and weed control on urban sensitive bird species, Ecology and Evolution
  • 2017
    Equity trade-offs in conservation decision making, Conservation Biology
  • 2016
    Perceived and projected flood risk and adaptation in coastal Southeast Queensland, Australia, Climatic change

Grants and Contracts

  • 2021
    Private Land Conservation in a Dynamically Changing and Risky World
    Primary Investigator
    Funding Source: