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Artikel-artikel mengenai Diarrhoea

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Rapid urbanisation and population growth in Africa have pushed people to informal settlements. Getty Images

Health risks at home: a study in six African countries shows how healthy housing saves children’s lives

The impact of housing quality extends beyond health to education and subsequent economic outcomes, particularly for children.
If this is you, stay away. From

Health Check: how long are you contagious with gastro?

In many cases you may still be contagious long after you’ve returned to school or work. But there are simple things you can do to minimise the risk of spreading it to others.
Most ill health can be avoided on family holidays through research and planning in advance, plus smart packing. from

Prepare for a healthy holiday with this A-to-E guide

Simple steps can lower your risk of bringing home traveller’s diarrhoea, respiratory infections and mosquito-borne diseases from your holiday.

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