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Artikel-artikel mengenai Energy efficiency

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New infrared technology could make homes more energy efficient. Olivier Le Moal/Shutterstock

Five reasons to heat your home using infrared fabric

New infrared fabric technology is easy to install, cheap to run and affordable so it has huge potential as a future alternative to heat pumps, especially for retrofit projects.
U.S. Special Presidential Envoy for Climate John Kerry and his Chinese counterpart, Xie Zhenhua, had front-row seats at COP28’s final session. Kiara Worth/UN Climate Change via Flickr,

Why the COP28 climate summit mattered, and what to watch for in 2024

The UN climate conference brought some progress. A former UN official who has been involved in international climate policy for years explains what has to happen now for that progress to pay off.
An infrared image of a home shows the heat loss from windows. Getty Images

On hot days, up to 87% of heat gain in our homes is through windows. On cold days, it’s 40% of heat loss. Here’s how we can fix that

Compared to roughly 80% in the US, UK and NZ, only 11% of Australian homes have high-performance windows. Installing them can transform a household’s comfort, energy use and emissions.
To address the growing urban population, along with the joint affordability and environmental crises, Canada needs to build more affordable, energy-efficient buildings. (Shutterstock)

Canada’s housing crisis demands better buildings — here are the changes that could improve apartment and condo life

In order to ensure new multi-unit housing prioritizes comfort and health, future residents and building owners should know what design choices to advocate for.

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