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Artikel-artikel mengenai European Space Agency (ESA)

Menampilkan 41 - 60 dari 72 artikel

On June 5-6, 2012, NASA’s Solar Dynamics Observatory collected images of one of the rarest predictable solar events: the transit of Venus across the face of the Sun. NASA/SDO, AIA

Why we need to get back to Venus

This hot, acidic neighbor with its surface veiled in thick clouds hasn’t benefited from the attention showered on Mars and the Moon. But Venus may offer insights into the fate of the Earth.
Space debris in Earth orbit creates a dangerous obstacle course for satellites and astronauts. Dotted Yeti /

Why space debris cleanup might be a national security threat

Countries developing technology that removes or blasts away space junk may appear to be doing a public service. But those same technologies can destroy military and communications satellites.
A rocket carrying the NBN’s Sky Muster II satellite. Perhaps one day Australia might have more direct involvement in space activities. AAP Image/National Broadband Network

Why it’s time for Australia to launch its own space agency

An Australian Space Agency could capitalise on our history working with NASA and the ESA and boost our entry into the expanding commercial space industry.
Robotic construction of Lunar and Martian infrastructure using 3D printing. Contour Crafting

Want to build a moon base? Easy. Just print it

Why carry building materials from Earth into space, when we can build structures by 3D printing using materials found out there?

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