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Artikel-artikel mengenai Evidence

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When lawyers submit forensic evidence in court, is there legit science to back it up? AP Photo/Pat Sullivan

Now who will push ahead on validating forensic science disciplines?

Forensics has a way to go before it’s a mature, academic science. Attorney General Jeff Sessions just terminated an independent commission charged with helping it get there.
There wouldn’t be statues acclaiming Darwin and his theory if it couldn’t stand up to decades of testing. CGP Grey

Scientific theories aren’t mere conjecture – to survive they must work

In science, the word ‘theory’ has a very specific meaning that’s easy for nonscientists to misunderstand or misconstrue. Here’s what a theory must withstand to be accepted by the scientific community.
Is that a black hole, or a hole in their data? NASA Goddard Space Flight Center

How to quickly spot dodgy science

There are a few red flags to look out for when reading about new scientific discoveries that can help you spot dodgy or unreliable work.
So many voices but who should you listen to in any debate on science matters? Shutterstock/coffeehuman

Whose word should you respect in any debate on science?

Modern science can be difficult or complex for one person to understand and verify, especially a non-scientist. So who should we believe when scientific evidence is met with denial?
Genetic techniques can help make pollen useful for cracking criminal cases. Karen L. Bell

Pollen genetics can help with forensic investigations

Pollen is all around us, is extremely durable and can provide clues about where someone’s been. A new genetic technique will make it easier to use pollen evidence in criminal investigations.
Forensic scientists should be encouraged to shed more light on a pattern of behaviour when investigating incidence. Flickr/WorldSkills UK

Let forensic science help prevent a crime or a disaster

Forensic scientists should be encouraged to help detect patterns of behaviour in the incidents they investigate. This could lead to changes in the way some things are done and potentially save lives.
Do we need to know that things are certain, or is a little uncertainty still okay? Flickr/jim simonson

Oh, the uncertainty: how do we cope?

The more knowledge we gather in our search for answers to the unknown, the more uncertainty we uncover. But that’s not a bad thing.
No longer restricted to elite athletes, personal fitness data can be collected from people jogging, going to the gym – even sleeping. Josh Janssen/Flickr

Fitness tracking data in courts – persuasive, but not conclusive

Beyond simply counting steps, fitness tracking technology creates personal black boxes that archive everything we do – even sleeping. So it’s not surprising to see that a Calgary law firm, representing…

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