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Artikel-artikel mengenai Food and Drug Administration (FDA)

Menampilkan 141 - 160 dari 165 artikel

Once you start, you can’t stop. 'Injection' via

Why are young women without wrinkles using Botox?

By getting young women hooked before they’ve even formed wrinkles, Botox peddlers have realized they can enlist them in a lifetime of treatment.
A sales clerk exhales vapor while smoking with a vaporizer during a wait for customers at the e-cigarette shop Henley Vaporium in New York. Lucas Jackson/Reuters

Could FDA e-cigarette regulations help more people quit smoking?

Federal officials could give the FDA authority to develop e-cigarette regulations. But developing regulations that maximize their benefits and minimize their risks is harder than it looks.
Thalidomide was used by the pregnant women – the population that turned out to be most vulnerable to its risks. Reuters pictures

Why did thalidomide’s makers ignore warnings about their drug?

Thalidomide’s manufacturer, Chemie Grünenthal, marketed the drug as safe for pregnant women despite reports it was causing malformations in newborns. Why such blatant denial?

Infographic: a snapshot of the thalidomide tragedy

Thalidomide was marketed as a safe, sleep-inducing drug, but when taken during pregnancy it could cause severe birth defects.
Representatives of the 12 Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) member countries at a press conference in Atlanta, after a deal was reached. EPA/Erik S. Lesser

Why biologics were such a big deal in the Trans Pacific Partnership

Before the last round of negotiations, only a handful of issues remained in the way of concluding the TPP. A potential deal-breaker for Australia was intellectual property protections for biologics.
Tourism isn’t just for sunshine and beaches. It can also be for unapproved medical interventions. IV via ARZTSAMUI/Shutterstock

Medical treatment not approved yet? No problem! Welcome to circumvention tourism

Medical tourism is the practice of seeking medical care across international borders. Countries with established medical sectors like the US, Europe, India and Thailand have been traditional destinations…
What if an experimental treatment seems to hold a terminal patient’s only hope? Pill bottle image via

‘Right to try’ laws are compassionate, but misguided

On November 4, the state of Arizona will decide whether to join Colorado, Missouri, Louisiana and Michigan in passing so-called right to try laws. If passed, the “Arizona Terminal Patients’ Right To Try…
Ron Woodroof (played by Matthew McConaughey, right) changed HIV treatment in the US. EntertainmentOne

How the Dallas Buyers Club changed HIV treatment in the US

This article contains spoilers. In the award-winning movie The Dallas Buyers Club, Matthew McConaughey plays the role of Ron Woodroof, a real-life Texas cowboy who was diagnosed with HIV/AIDS in 1985…
Pills, spills and development aches. ep_jhu

Why there may be fewer truly new drugs hitting the market

Developing new drugs is hard and expensive. The lengthy process from initial discovery to the market is some times compared to the difficulty of putting a person on the moon. Despite accusations that the…
DNA peddling needs to be banned. home_of_chaos

It is game over for 23andMe, and rightly so

The market for personal genome services is facing a reality check. While the most prominent and innovative company 23andMe has flourished so far, in the past few years many of its competitors have gone…
Welcome to nowhere, says FDA. widdowquinn

Stopping 23andMe will only delay the revolution medicine needs

Genetic testing is a powerful tool. Two years ago, with the help of my colleagues, it was this tool that helped us identify a new disease. The disease, called Ogden Syndrome, caused the death of a four-month…
Trans fats are used in highly-processed foods such as biscuits, pastries, and fast food. Flickr/crimfants

US set to restrict trans fats, but should Australia follow?

The increased supply and marketing of processed food high in fat, sugar and salt are recognised as the major drivers of obesity and diet-related diseases globally. As part of efforts to improve the healthiness…

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