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Artikel-artikel mengenai G20

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Indonesian President Joko Widodo (left) talks with International Monetary Fund (IMF) Managing Director Kristalina Georgieva (right) at the end of the 2022 G20 Summit in Bali last month. ANTARA FOTO/Media Center G20 Indonesia/Zabur Karuru/nym

Indonesia has handed over the reins of the G20, but it will still play an influential role. Here’s why

Thanks to its economic potential, Indonesia will still play an influential role in the G20.
Emerging economies are facing mounting debts, and the world needs to figure out how to save them from default. Strarline/Freepik

Why the G20 should defer debt from emerging economies like Indonesia and India – or risk an even worse global recession

Emerging economies such as Brazil, Egypt, India, and Indonesia are vital global players. Saving them from possible debt default may improve the world’s resilience against the looming global recession.
Indonesian President Joko Widodo (right) and Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi during G20 Summit in Bali. M Risyal Hidayat/Antara Foto

The G20 pandemic fund – and how Indonesia plays a key role in it

The need for a pandemic fund was based on the experience of low and middle-income countries who struggled to finance their healthcare systems during COVID-19 outbreak.
President Joko WIdodo (centre), witnessed by Minister of Finance Sri Mulyani (second right) and Minister of Foreign Affairs Retno Marsudi, officially declared the closing of the 2022 G20 Indonesia Summit in Nusa Dua, Bali, Wednesday (16/11/2022). ANTARA FOTO/Media Center G20 Indonesia/M Risyal Hidayat/ws

The 2022 Bali G20 declaration: did success really stem from Indonesia’s diplomacy?

Indonesia succeeded in completing the G20 Presidency amid international tensions. However, is this the outcome of Indonesia’s diplomatic success? What results were achieved from the 2022 G20 Summit?
Prime Minister Justin Trudeau talks with Chinese President Xi Jinping after taking part in the closing session at the G20 Leaders Summit in Bali, Indonesia on Nov. 16, 2022. THE CANADIAN PRESS/Sean Kilpatrick

Why did Xi scold Trudeau? Maybe because Canada spent years helping China erode human rights

Xi Jinping thought he could chastise Justin Trudeau because this is the lesson the Jean Chrétien and Stephen Harper governments had conveyed: Don’t take us seriously when we talk about rights.
Indonesian President Joko “Jokowi” Widodo hosts G20 leaders at the 2022 summit in Bali. The agenda items include improving the global health system and ensuring sustainable energy transition among member states. (ANTARA FOTO/Prasetyo Utomo)

G20 scientists urge pandemic preparedness and climate action: 4 steps countries can take following Bali summit

As the climate crisis worsens, and after being ravaged by the COVID-19, it is paramount for Indonesia and G20 countries to strengthen global pandemic preparedness and climate action.
US President Joe Biden shakes hands with Indonesian President and G20 host Joko Widodo at the 2022 summit in Nusa Dua, Bali. ANTARA FOTO/Media Center G20 Indonesia/Akbar Nugroho Gumay/wsj.

What is the G20 summit in Bali? Who’s there? And what are the top 3 topics on the agenda?

With “Recover Together, Recover Stronger” as its theme, the 2022 summit has global health, digital transformation, and a sustainable energy transition high on the agenda.
Woman drying freshly made batik cloth. Batik is a micro, small and medium scale business that supports the livelihoods of Indonesian women, especially in Java. shutter/Bastian AS

Put women at the heart of global economic recovery: that’s Indonesia’s task at the 2022 G20 summit

Empowering women can be a solution to the economic slowdown and health crisis resulting from the COVID-19 pandemic. As the host of the G20 2022 Summit, Indonesia should focus on the issue.

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