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Artikel-artikel mengenai Human genome

Menampilkan 41 - 46 dari 46 artikel

The 1000 Genome Project is comparing the genomes of thousands of people from around the world. Shutterstock

Thousands of genomes reveal human genetic differences around the world

The 1000 Genome Project has revealed the genetic variations that exist among people around the world, and discovered that some people are missing many genes.
Genome sequencing has the potential to improve the diagnosis of conditions caused by changes in the DNA. Image from

Treating illness and preventing disease with genetic testing

Rapid technological advances mean it’s faster and cheaper than ever to read a person’s entire genetic code, known as the genome. Genomic sequencing has two potential applications in health: the care of…
Before the technology can used more widely, we need to ensure its use will bring improvements in health, quality and duration of life. Image from

Cheap genome tests to predict future illness? Don’t hold your breath

Sydney’s Garvan Institute is this week promoting its acquisition of an Illumina machine which it says can sequence the whole human genome for $1,000. The institute hopes genomic sequencing will become…

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