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Artikel-artikel mengenai Income tax

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Scott Morrison told a Melbourne business summit a path for lower personal and company tax could not all be done in one budget. Mal Fairclough/AAP

Morrison talks down personal income tax cuts

Treasurer Scott Morrison has moved to dampen expectations about the government’s ability to provide early personal income tax cuts.
South Africa’s Finance Minister Pravin Gordhan’s budget fell short on cost-cutting details. REUTERS/Mike Hutchings

South Africa’s 2016 budget: long on promise but short on detail

The budget showed some sense of urgency but still fell short on implementation plans. There should have been more, particularly details on cost-cutting initiatives.
Economic models are not likely to give Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull any magic answers on tax reform. Lukas Coch/AAP

Models only give part answer to real tax reform

The gains from modest tax reform are not likely to be a revolution in Australia.
“The problem is we have an over-reliance on personal income tax to support our revenue base. Our largest source of tax revenue is personal income tax.” AAP/Lukas Coch

Is Hockey right when he says we are over-reliant on personal income tax?

Treasurer Joe Hockey is right when he says Australia’s taxation level is the second highest among OECD countries. But when it is compared to GDP, it’s a different story.
Federal Treasurer Joe Hockey said half of all income tax in Australia comes from just 10% of workers. AAP Image/Carol Cho

FactCheck: is 50% of income tax paid by 10% of workers?

Federal Treasurer Joe Hockey told the ABC this week that 50% of all income tax in Australia is paid by 10% of the working population. Is that statement supported by the data?
Shadow Assistant Treasurer Andrew Leigh has said the GST is as inefficient but less equitable than income tax. AAP Image/Mick Tsikas

FactCheck: is the GST as efficient but less equitable than income tax?

The Shadow Assistant Treasurer, Andrew Leigh, has said the the Government’s latest tax discussion paper says the GST is as inefficient as income tax, adding he thinks it’s less equitable. Is that right?
Paper filing may soon be a thing of the past. But increased automation means humans will be more important than ever. Crumpled 1040 via

Overlooked costs of IRS budget cuts will hit taxpayers hardest

Congress has shortchanged the IRS by $7.3 billion over the past five years, and taxpayers will increasingly pay the price.
There have been instances of successful federalism - how do we return to these? Flickr/

How we can reinvigorate the Australian Federation

When our two major levels of government work in partnership, our Federation can function well. The standout period for cooperative federalism was the Hawke/Keating term of government, producing the National…
You’d need a lot of these to make a dent in our deficit. Images_of_Money

Raising top tax rate to 50p won’t raise much revenue

Ed Balls, the shadow chancellor, has announced that if elected a Labour government would return the rate of income tax payable on incomes above £150,000 to 50%. What would the effect of this be? The contention…

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