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Artikel-artikel mengenai Intersectionality

Menampilkan 41 - 52 dari 52 artikel

Actress Nicolle Rochelle, who appeared on several episodes of ‘The Cosby Show.’ AP Photo/Corey Perrine, File

Why black women’s experiences of #MeToo are different

Any movement against sexual assault must take into account historical, state-sanctioned violence against black women in the US that goes back centuries.
Healing is a political act says Global Health Prof. Roberta K. Timothy. In this article, she offers eight ways to deal with and heal from racism. Henri Meilhac/Unsplash

Grief is a direct impact of racism: Eight ways to support yourself

Racism affects us emotionally and physically. Prof. Roberta K. Timothy offers eight ways to strategically empower and care for oneself when dealing with everyday racism.
National Memorial for Peace and Justice. AP Photo/Brynn Anderson

Lynching memorial shows women were victims, too

Although fewer black women were lynched in the US than men, their stories have been marginalized. Will a new memorial in Alabama help make their sacrifices known?
Nelson Mandela, accompanied by his wife Winnie, walks out of the Victor Verster prison on February 11, 1990. Ulli Michel/Reuters

The Mandela Foundation’s verdict on the Mandela era: it failed …

The foundation founded by Nelson Mandela in 1999 has done a major revision - it has written off most of his reign as comprising “grand symbolic gestures”.
Policy changes and face-to-face conversations are part of the plan. Lucy Nicholson/Reuters

LGBT equality doesn’t exist – but here’s how to fight for it

The massacre at an Orlando gay club is a savage reminder that lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender people still face harsh prejudice in America and lack full equal protections under the law.

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