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Artikel-artikel mengenai Kyoto Protocol

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French President François Hollande was among those who warned Donald Trump not to withdraw from the Paris climate deal. EPA/Mohamed Messara

Marrakech climate talks produced defiance towards Trump, but little else

The latest climate summit began the long slog towards putting the Paris Agreement into action. But it generated more questions than answers, particularly on how to handle a Trump-led United States.
Foreign Minister Julie Bishop, Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull and Environment Minister Josh Frydenberg announce plans to ratify the Paris climate deal, which could be severely weakened by a US change of heart. AAP Image/Lukas Coch

Australia to ratify the Paris climate deal, under a large Trump-shaped shadow

Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull has announced plans to ratify the Paris climate agreement, a day after US participation in the treaty was thrown into dought by Donald Trump’s election victory.
Presidents Jinping (centre) and Obama (right) have ensured that the Paris Agreement now covers 40% of the world’s emissions, bringing it closer to coming into force. EPA/How Hwee Young

US-China ratification of Paris Agreement ramps up the pressure on Australia

Unlike the Kyoto Protocol, which languished for years, the Paris climate agreement is rocketing towards the threshold for it to enter into international law – leaving Australia in its wake.
Can negotiators in Paris get a hit? Peter Miller/flickr

Can the Paris climate talks prevent a planetary strike-out?

The UN climate talks in Bonn last week left many key issues unresolved, creating big challenges for forging a global deal in Paris later this year that would avert the worst effects of climate change.
John Howard is a role model for the Abbott government, but the world remembers his hardline climate tactics in 1997 less fondly. AAP Photo/ Bluey Thomson

Australia hit its Kyoto target, but it was more a three-inch putt than a hole in one

Australia’s government boasts of being one of the few nations to hit its Kyoto emissions target. But is it any wonder, when the Howard government successfully lobbied to make it almost unmissably easy?
John Howard made sure he was facing the same way as other world leaders on climate policy, unlike the current Prime Minister. AAP Image/David Crosling

How John Howard could help turn Tony Abbott around on climate

Throughout his prime-ministership, which ran from 1996 to 2007, John Howard’s perspective on climate change was informed by geopolitics more than science. The Kyoto Protocol, the key international climate…
It’s all one atmosphere: tackling climate change will need action on a global scale. blueforce4116/Flickr

The other world game: reporting from international climate talks

Over the weekend the latest round of international climate negotiations concluded in Bonn, Germany. Offering some encouragement, the talks are inching towards a new global agreement in Paris 2015 for global…
United Nations Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon – shown at UN headquarters with Australian Foreign Minister Julie Bishop last year – is urging governments and businesses to bring “bold pledges” to a UN summit later this year. EPA/Jason Szenes

Australia trounced Kyoto climate target, new report reveals

After a week of mostly bad news on climate change, new figures reveal that Australia easily beat its first internationally-agreed climate target, with nearly 131 million tonnes of emissions to spare. That’s…
No vote: despite activists’ urgings, the 2009 Copenhagen climate talks were stymied by the threat of veto. EPA/HENNING BAGGER/AAP

Votes, not vetoes: a new way to cut a United Nations climate deal

Anyone who has watched in frustration as the United Nations repeatedly failed to secure a meaningful climate treaty could be forgiven for taking a rather glum view on this weekend’s report by the Intergovernmental…
The Senate is becoming a battleground over the Abbott government’s carbon policy. JJ Harrison/Wikimedia Commons

Senate committee draws battle lines ahead of carbon price fight

A Labor-dominated Senate committee has set the stage for the post-July tussle over carbon policy, recommending that Australia commit to much deeper emissions cuts than the current 5% target, and advising…
Heading into the next climate treaty, it looks like getting everyone on board will be more important than reducing emissions. RB Reed

Universal and useless? The 2015 global climate agreement

It looks as though everyone will be happy to sign the next global climate agreement, due in 2015. Why? Because there will be very little in the agreement that will force countries to act on climate change…
What’s behind Australia’s Kyoto target, and could we shift it? ##Erika**/Flickr

Australia’s Kyoto 2 target: shaking up our thinking

At the Doha climate conference, Australia has submitted a 99.5% emissions target for a second commitment period of the Kyoto Protocol. Why is Australia doing it, and what does it mean? Setting a good example…
The big emitters of greenhouse gases - China, India, and Brazil - and other developing countries were not bound by Kyoto emission targets, and the USA refused to sign up to the Protocol. Bret Arnett

Kyoto Protocol fails: get ready for a hotter world

Australia is on track at the end of this year to meet its emission reduction target under the Kyoto Protocol. We’ve also signed up to the new version of Kyoto. But that should not encourage us to believe…

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