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Artikel-artikel mengenai Martin Luther King, Jr. (MLK)

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Many films that address race end up lulling audiences into complacency. TriStar Pictures

How popular culture hobbles protest movements

Books, movies and records that seem to challenge racism also subtly advance the idea that progress shouldn’t happen too quickly.
John Lewis linked arms with religious leaders, including Dr. Martin Luther King, while marching from Selma to Montgomery in 1965. William Lovelace/Daily Express/Hulton Archive/Getty Images

John Lewis and C.T. Vivian belonged to a long tradition of religious leaders in the civil rights struggle

From the earliest days of the civil rights struggle, Black religious leaders have infused the fight for justice with spirituality. Rep. Lewis and Rev. Vivian are no exception.
A protester holds a sign showing a black US flag during a demonstration in Denver, Colorado, on May 31, 2020. Jason Connolly/AFP

Police violence in the United States: what lies behind the ‘bad apples’ narrative

That George Floyd died at the hands of four police officers is uncontested, but interpretations of his death and its aftermath differ greatly. The result is two starkly opposed narratives.
A protester raises a fist in New York’s Washington Square Park during a June 2, 2020 demonstration. Ira L. Black/Corbis via Getty Images

Where are the African American leaders?

Sweeping changes were possible in the past because black leaders were willing to risk their lives and call out problems before they became crises.
A man carries an eagle feather as police prepare to enforce an injunction against protesters who were blocking a road used to access to the Port of Vancouver during a demonstration in support of Wet'suwet'en Nation hereditary chiefs on Feb. 25, 2020. THE CANADIAN PRESS/Darryl Dyck

Indigenous civil rights blockades should be met with a new diplomacy, not violence

Canada is at a critical crossroads. The Wet’suwet’en conflict brings us to a deciding moment in Canada, one that will shape the future of the nation.
Civil rights leader Wyatt Tee Walker addresses a crowd at St. Phillips AME Church in Atlanta. Afro American Newspapers/Gado/Getty Images

How civil rights leader Wyatt Tee Walker revived hope after MLK’s death

In a sermon two weeks after MLK’s funeral, civil rights leader, Wyatt Tee Walker, urged young seminarians to be hopeful and take action for making change happen. His sermon has valuable lessons today.
Gandhi had a lot to say about how business leaders should behave. AP Photo/James A. Mills

What Gandhi believed is the purpose of a corporation

Although Gandhi is best known for expelling the British from India and inspiring the likes of King and Mandela, he also wrote a lot about the behavior of good business leaders.

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