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Artikel-artikel mengenai Migration

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For some young women, a perceived lack of career opportunities is a significant barrier to relocating to rural communities. Dan Peled/AAP

Why young women say no to rural Australia

Research shows that young women are more ambivalent than young men when it comes to employment opportunities and other reasons to relocate to rural communities.
Statelessness in Thailand is a complex issue: the stateless population includes members of northern hill tribes, children of migrants who were born in Thailand and refugees for bordering countries. from

Blood, soil and paper: Thailand’s mission to reduce statelessness

Last month’s epic cave rescue has drawn attention to the issue of statelessness in Thailand - a crisis the country is trying to resolve urgently, especially for stateless children.
A new Parramatta is emerging out of the rubble of history. Artist's impression of the new North Parramatta development/URBANGROWTH NSW/AAP

Reimagining Parramatta: a place to discover Australia’s many stories

Sydney’s Parramatta is developing fast, building over a rich archaeological history. Finding ways to retain it can help visitors and residents feel a sense of physical connection with those who came before.
Cutting immigration to Australia will impact the country’s demographic composition, with consequences for the working age population and income tax base. Andrew Seaman/Unsplash

Migration helps balance our ageing population – we don’t need a moratorium

Politicians across the spectrum have at some point targeted immigration as a contributor to out-of-control population growth. But would reducing, or banning, immigration take pressure off cities?
Militias guard a barricade after police and pro-government militias stormed a rebel-held neighborhood in Masaya, Nicaragua, on July 17, 2018. AP Photo/Cristibal Venegas

Bloody uprising in Nicaragua could trigger the next Central American refugee crisis

Nicaragua has exploded in violence since mass protests began against President Daniel Ortega in April, with hundreds dead and thousands wounded. Amid such chaos, criminal violence is likely to follow.
Trail of Tears, a painting of a scene in Golconda, illinois. First Nations were forcefully displaced in huge numbers throughout America. Kevin Schraer

In Trump’s America, immigrants are modern-day ‘savage Indians’

The leader of the United States has made immigrants the new face of a threatening “Other,” a primitive savage who has many of the features of the “Indians” of the American frontier myth.
Daily life in some parts of Central America is so fearsome for parents and children that crossing Mexico and risking detention in the U.S. seems less fearsome. Reuters/Edgard Garrido

Central American kids come to the US fleeing record-high youth murder rates at home

Central American youth are 10 times more likely to be murdered than children in the US. Child homicides in Guatemala, Honduras and El Salvador are rising even as other violence declines.
Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador will take office as Mexico’s president on Dec. 1, 2018. Reuters/Goran Tomasevic

Mexico elects a leftist president who welcomes migrants

Leftist Andrés Manuel López Obrador, a former Mexico City mayor and career outsider, won Mexico’s July 1 presidential election in a landslide. The US-Mexico relationship is about to change.
An aerial view of Seligman, Arizona, looking west, dated March 12, 1971. Route 66 bisects the town. James R. Powell Route 66 Collection/Newberry Library

Could new legislation lead to a Route 66 economic revival?

‘The Mother Road’ is one step closer to becoming a National Historic Trail, which would allocate funds for struggling towns along the original Route 66.
A curry-themed shoulder bag: ‘Curry’ is a word that no self-respecting subcontinental would own without a thousand caveats attached. shutterstock

Friday essay: the politics of curry

Whether being called ‘curry munchers’ or pigeonholed as authorities on a dish largely invented by the British, diasporic South Asians are emulsified in a deep pool of curry.
The United Nations has called a new Trump administration policy of separating migrant families and detaining children ‘abuse.’ Reuters/Patrick Fallon

Forced migration from Central America: 5 essential reads

Trump hopes migrants won’t come if they know their children will be taken away. That grim logic ignores the inescapable dangers that drive thousands of Central Americans to flee their homes each year.
Malian migrant Mamoudou Gassama met French president Emmanuel Macron on May 22, 2018. He was officially given French citizenship soon after. Thibault Camus/AFP

Why economic migrants are heroes

What is a hero? If President Macron really likes heroes, shouldn’t he revise his idea of what he calls “economic migrants”?

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