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Artikel-artikel mengenai Military coup

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Venezuela’s President Nicolas Maduro (center) attends a graduation of National Armed Forces. Miraflores Palace/Handout via REUTERS

How much longer will Maduro’s grip on power last? Look to the military

The loyalty of Venezuela’s soldiers is getting shaky. History shows from the Arab Spring to Latin American coups, when the military withdraws support for a leader, a fall from power is imminent.
Lesotho voters wait patiently to cast their ballot. EPA/Kim Ludbrook

Why Lesotho’s in such a mess and what can be done about it

Politics in Lesotho can look incredibly complicated, with a mish-mash of competing political parties and repeated military interventions. It’s a mess, but it’s not that hard to unravel.
Surinamese’s President Desi Bouterse in 1996, speaking in front of a portrait of himself from back in his military strongman days. Reuters

In Suriname, an endless refrain: boom, bust, and Bouterse

Oil-dependent and led by a charismatic dictator with a chaotic economic policy, is Suriname the next Venezuela?
Members of the Ecowas force at the Denton Bridge check point in Banjul, The Gambia, following Yahya Jammeh’s departure. Reuters/Thierry Gouegnon

How West Africa built the muscle to rout dictators and keep the peace

Regional power Ecowas, which has just seen off yet another dictator in Yahya Jammeh, started off with a tame agenda 42 years ago. But it was soon shaped by civil wars, military coups and despots
Members of the National Reform Council pose for photographs after voting to reject a draft constitution – a decision that will put elections on hold until 2017. EPA/Narong Sangnak

By accident or design, Thai junta extends its rule

The rejection of the draft constitution is not necessarily a setback for Thailand’s military junta. It may even have been a ploy to extend its rule well past the promised date for elections.
Thai Prime Minister Prayuth Chan-ocha shows little sign of listening to growing public opposition to his military junta’s authoritarian rule. EPA

A year on, coup leaders rule with disdain for Thais and democracy

A year ago, a military coup toppled Thailand’s elected government. The junta promised elections once a new constitution is adopted, but its authoritarian rule betrays a hostility to real democracy.
Thais pray at Bangkok’s Siriraj hospital for the king who has reigned over them for 69 years. EPA/Narong Sangnak

An ailing king and succession intrigue put coup leaders on edge

Late last Friday the King of Thailand was rushed from his seaside palace in Hua Hin to Siriraj hospital in Bangkok. The Palace issued an announcement that the King was suffering from a fever and a rapid…

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