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Artikel-artikel mengenai Morocco

Menampilkan 101 - 115 dari 115 artikel

The charred interior of the Gabon’s parliament after it was burned in post-election protests in Libreville. Edward McAllister/Reuters

African citizens have very low levels of trust in how elections are run

National electoral commissions are crucial in shaping public perceptions of how well democracy is working. Poor electoral management can enable fraud and produce political alienation.
The threat of chemical weapon attacks is on the rise globally. Reuters/Ueslei Marcelino

Assessing the risk from Africa as Libya loses its chemical weapons

Governments often have limited knowledge of chemical production as it is the preserve of the private sector. Often these facilities are not as well secured as government facilities.
A woman in northern Ethiopia feeds her chickens. Bill Gates has estimated that a farmer breeding five hens could generate up to $1,000 a year. Flickr/Jeannie O'Brien

If Africa learnt to feed its chickens it could feed its people

The factors limiting poultry production are similar to those affecting the rest of the agricultural systems.
Hair speaks of the past, and of cultural heritage. Steve Evans/Flickr

The heritage of hair: stories of resilience and creativity

Hair has long been modified for aesthetic and other ends. But skewed power structures have meant that women, particularly women of colour, have borne the brunt of stereotyping and prejudice.
The village of Agoudal in Morocco’s High Atlas Mountains is home to a rare treasure. Mohamed Aoudjehane

What a Moroccan crater reveals about a rare double whammy from the skies

High in the mountains of Morocco, scientists have discovered something remarkable and rare: a spot that was struck by two meteorites, possibly millions of years apart.
Muslim democrat Mohammed Morsi with protesters following the Mubarak verdict last weekend. EPA

The irresistible rise of Muslim democrats in the Middle East

Whatever the outcome of the Egyptian presidential runoff scheduled for 16-17 June, Middle Eastern electoral politics are now conforming to a remarkable rule. When elections are held in a free and fair…

Goats in trees threaten Moroccan forests

Abedellah Aboudrare/Ecole Nationale d'Agriculture photo The increasing demand for Morocco’s edible argan oil is providing…

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