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Artikel-artikel mengenai Nationalism

Menampilkan 21 - 40 dari 191 artikel

Jubilant sports fans flew the Canadian flag in 2019 after the NBA playoffs. Since then, the ‘freedom convoy’ has used the flag to try to represent their values. Has the symbolism of the flag changed? THE CANADIAN PRESS/ Tijana Martin

Has the meaning behind the Canadian flag changed? — Podcast

What does it mean to be a settler of colour in Canada? Has the symbolism of the Canadian flag changed since the Ottawa convoy?
People pray at the scene of the mass shooting in Buffalo, N.Y., on May 15, 2022. Kent Nishimura/Los Angeles Times via Getty Images

Replacement theory isn’t new – 3 things to know about how this once-fringe conspiracy has become more mainstream

The Buffalo mass shooting reignited discussion of replacement theory. This conspiracy isn’t new, but understanding its roots is helpful to understand its connection to extremism.
Russian Orthodox Church Patriarch Kirill, center, and Russian Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu, right, at the consecration of the Cathedral of Russian Armed Forces outside Moscow, June 14, 2020. Oleg Varov, Russian Orthodox Church Press Service via AP

What a cathedral and a massive military parade show about Putin’s Russia

World War II has a central place in Russian nationalism. Its importance is written all over a new cathedral dedicated to the armed forces.
The McDonald’s flagship restaurant at Pushkinskaya Square – the first one of the chain, opened in the USSR on Jan. 31, 1990 – in central Moscow on March 13, 2022, McDonald’s last day in Russia. AFP via Getty Images

The West thinks that Russians, suffering from sanctions, will end up abandoning Putin – but history indicates they won’t

Those placing their faith in sanctions to turn Russians against the war in Ukraine know little about the country, its history and people, write two scholars who have studied Russian culture.
Ukraine’s fight for independence can be traced to the 19th century when it was under the control of the Russian and Austro-Hungarian empires. Ukrainians, then as now, believe they have an identity separate from Russia. (AP Photo/Efrem Lukatsky)

A short history of Ukrainian nationalism — and its tumultuous relationship with Russia

Ukrainians believe they have an identity separate from Russia. Russia, on the other hand, believes that Ukraine and Russia share the same history.
Russian Orthodox Church Patriarch Kirill, center, attends a ceremony consecrating the Cathedral of Russian Armed Forces outside Moscow. Andrey Rusov, Defense Ministry Press Service via AP

Holy wars: How a cathedral of guns and glory symbolizes Putin’s Russia

To understand Russia’s war in Ukraine, look to the blend of religious and militaristic nationalism under Putin – on full display in the Church of the Russian Armed Forces.
Nigeria recently started commercial operation of a China-assisted railway linking the southwestern cities of Lagos and Ibadan. Emma Houston/Xinhua via Getty Images

Book review: Nigeria has democracy but not development. How to fix it

In his new book, Nigeria Democracy Without Development: How To Fix It, international political economist Omano Edigheji explains why democracy has not led to development in Nigeria.
The yellow-and-red striped flag of the defeated American-backed Republic of Vietnam flies at the U.S. Capitol insurrection Jan. 6. Tayfun Coskun/Anadolu Agency via Getty Images

Why the flag of South Vietnam flew at US Capitol siege

Onlookers who recognized the flag wondered why the mostly white mob had ‘coopted’ Vietnamese history. But Vietnamese Americans are Trump supporters, too, some driven by a potent fear of socialism.

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